Thursday, May 20, 2010

Turn the page...

Originally posted on MySpace

With the ending of Metallica's version of 'Turn The Page', I finished my last set, of my last scheduled night dancing, tonight. I'll miss the dancing more than anything else. The way it feels to really feel the music that's playing and somehow become so lost in it, that you practically forget there's anyone else in the room. I'll also miss the almost suspended animation of hanging upside down from the pole. I've rarely felt any more peace than I do as I hang there, above everything else, by nothing more than one leg, for as long as the muscles in it will allow. Perhaps that's the closest I'll ever get to floating... if it is... it's close enough for me. Dancing, for me, has always been more about the music and the movement than anything else. I guess it's always been about how much I love to dance, love the freedom of having an entire stage to myself, and having what I'm doing touch my soul. Those are the things I'll miss most.
Will I dance again? I'm sure I will at some point in time; most likely in the instance that we end up short handed due to call offs and such. Right now though, I'll be working in other areas of the club, as I'm more needed there than on stage.
While I'll miss dancing, this is most assuredly a welcome change. I'm excited and very thankful for the opportunity I've been given. I've been the Assistant Manager (or Dancer Manager) for a little over a year now, and have been at the club for almost 4 1/2 years. During that time I've had the chance to work with some of the most amazing girls I've ever met, and I still work with the greatest group of people ever. I'm happy to be able to hang up my dancing shoes, finally, and work in other areas of the club. It'll also be nice to be available to help the other staff members and my girls, who I love to death, any time they need me, since I won't be running around on and off stage, and in and out of dances.
Providing all my paperwork is done on time, I'll be able to go back to school in June, and a few years later have a degree and a career, good Lord willing. As much as I don't ever want to leave the club, since I feel so at home there, and I feel I do have a positive impact on the lives of so many of the people I work with; I know it will have to happen sometime in the future. Until then though, I hope this is the last club I ever work for and the last place I ever dance. It would be a perfect ending to the time I've spent in an industry that I've been involved with for 12 1/2 years now... and a place that will always give me thousands of happy memories to look back on when I finally 'turn the page' again.

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