Thursday, May 20, 2010

Revelation of a Bull: Honesty and Friendship Triumph Once Again

Originally posted on MySpace


I am a Taurus through and through. I can be more opinionated, stubborn, bull-headed, set in my ways, and uneasily swayed than most people I know. Occasionally though, as much as I hate to admit it, something happens that changes my opinion. It's not often, but when it does happen it's completely unnerving. Although I am willing to admit to my mistakes, albeit grudgingly, I'm still forced to reevaluate many of my other beliefs and opinions; just to make sure I'm still on the right track with everything else.

I've recently been forced to reevaluate a rather perplexing situation and my opinion on it. The result of which was not only difficult to swallow, but also meant having to distance myself from a person in my life. This is a person who, for a brief moment caused my long standing belief system to falter, and therefore almost caused complete chaos in my life. Fortunately, I was able to take the proverbial bull by the horns, confront the situation, and find out quickly that even those of us who are more careful and critical than most, can occasionally be deceived by someone practiced in the art.

The end result? I have finally, and thankfully, been able to return to my previous path and way of life. My belief system is still intact, and has proven once again to be where my heart and mind need to remain steadfast, regardless of outside influence.

I'd like to touch on honesty and friendship for a moment. I would never have been able to get through this without the honesty and support of the people closest to me. Also, I would never have found out the truth about someone else without being honest and upfront with that person, inevitably prompting me to remove that negative influence from my life. There is truly something to be said for being honest not only with yourself, but with others around you. Just because you want something, or someone, is no reason to lie, scheme, and connive to get what you want. There are always repercussions of our actions. It seems some people neglect to put any thought into how their actions will affect the lives of the people around them. Their only thought seems to be 'Me, me, me and F the rest of the world'. Perhaps this does get them what they want, at the moment, but what happens when they want something different? What happens when the challenge is no longer there; when there is no more game to play; when what they had to lie, cheat, and steal to attain turns out to be something other than what they thought it would be? Then what?

Good people will only remain unequally yoked with bad people for so long, if at all. Perhaps out of respect for a long standing friendship, they will remain there for longer than normal, but not forever. The good people in the life of a deceiver will undoubtedly inch away over time. Leaving them with no true friends, only random acquaintances. There are not many of us who are willing to spend time with someone who consistently takes and never gives in return. How long would you keep a friend who lies, cheats, and deceives without thinking, even occasionally, that friend might be doing the same to you? My answer is 'Not long'. My friends are good, loyal, faithful, and honest people. They are people I can depend on for enlightened opinions, good company, and assistance when I need it. I try my hardest to always provide them with the same. A friend isn't necessarily someone you talk to and hang out with everyday, but it is someone who likes and respects you for who you are, and who will always be there for you, as they know you will always do the same for them.

Deceit may look glamorous sometimes. It may look like the 'step on anyone to get ahead' people really have a great life, from a distance. However, spending a few moments a little closer to those people reveals an entirely different story. It is truly a sad and lonely existence; one without real love or real friends. Sure, lots of people want to be around someone who is successful and has money and charisma; but how many of those people will stay around when those things disappear? Very few.

So, ask yourself if you have true friends? Are the most important people in your life the ones who would always be there for you, even if everything else in your world was going wrong? Do you have friends that would be your shoulder to cry on, someone to listen as you speak honestly, and more importantly reply honestly, even if the truth hurts? If you're finding yourself lacking in this area, perhaps you should step back and evaluate your own life. Those of us who treat others well, as we would like to be treated, seem to have the same sort of individuals around us. Those who lead a life of lies, deceit, and ulterior motives to get what they want, also seem to be surrounded by the same sort of people.

Thank God for my friends... my unwavering support system, who are willing to tell me the truth, even if it hurts, and keep me on the right path, even when I stray. I will be forever grateful for having such an amazing group of people around me; and I pray that I will always be a good enough person and friend to continue to deserve them.

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