Thursday, May 20, 2010

Stop The Insanity!

Originally posted on MySpace

Perhaps everyone else is receiving the same ridiculous bulletins and emails that I am, at least if we have any of the same kind of friends. I have to wonder though, what sort of 'friend' would pass along this useless garbage. The messages I've viewed recently, and I don't view many of them unless they apear to be of some consequense, are just that... unsolicited trash! The subject lines even appear to be something that might be worth reading, like an update on the life of someone I know, until the message is opened, only to find it contains a steaming pile of shit!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but most of us make sure that our computers are equipt with an arsenal or pop up blockers, spam blockers, spyware zappers, antivirus programs, etc., to make every attempt possible to assure that any form of unwanted garbage doesn't enter our machines or in any way degrade our online and/ or computing experience. Why then, do people who are supposed to be our 'friends' send us these digusting bits of bile through bulletins and email? Of course, I appreciate receiving miscellaneous jokes as well as inspirational stories, random greetings and updates on what's going on in other peoples lives, as I'm sure most people do. I feel these are sent to me by true friends. My true friends, however, know me well enough to know what my opinion of unsolicited web spam is and therefore do not send it to me.
In case there is any confusion as to what sort of correspondence I am reffering to... I'd be thrilled to explain. This garbage, in my opinion, includes any message that requires it be forwarded to any number of people, specific or otherwise, and which also includes some ridiculous threat that if the message is not forwarded to said amount of people in said amount of time, any number of awful fates will befall the reader. I wonder what sort of psychosis is required to believe that sort of threat? Obviously, whatever it is, it is running rampant throughout our online society. Do people really believe that if they don't follow those instructions they will actually fall victim to whatever fate is prophesied in a message? If these people would take one moment to entertain a bit of intelligent thought, providing they are capable of it, they would most certainly realize that the threats of a message can not and will not ever come to pass. Will those threats affect their lives though? Well, yes. However, it is only through the fact that they will disturb and disgust many other people by their insensitive, inconsiderate, unintelligent, and clearly psychotic need to pass these ridiculous messages on.
I understand, of course, that some of these messages do contain rather amusing jokes, stories, and bits of inspiration and enlightenment from time to time. If that is the case though, be a true friend and a decent human being, and delete all the other bullshit from the message before passing it on. Just because the person who sent it to you didn't care enough to edit it, doesn't mean you have to follow in their footsteps. Didn't our parents always ask us, "If all of your friends jump off a bridge, are you going to jump too"? There is truely a lesson to be learned from that question; not only about not following the herd when it's apparent the herd is moving in the wrong direction, but also about being able to think independently and intelligently.
So, friend or otherwise... my thoughts on this matter are quite clear. I am not interested in receiving, nor will I pass along, these pieces of excrement. If the herd wants to jump off the proverbial bridge by continuing to pass along this psychotic waste from one to another, without even dedicating a moment's thought to consideration... then by all means... continue on, with the rest of the unintuitive pack of lemming you have become.

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